Prague, CZE

Accommodation cancellation


Dear FHP attendees, 

After countless hours of negotiations, we have to bring unfortunate news. Against all our efforts, we were not able to find a common ground with the Albatros Botel’s new owners. 

Since we value your comfort and happiness the most, we could not accept their terms even against all compromises, since their requirements for pricing and reservation of the place would mean a dramatic increase of prices and in the end would still not guarantee us the total privacy of the place.

What does that mean? 

With heavy hearts, we are forced to cancel most of FHP24. We will not provide any form of accommodation, meals, and Prison Island. 

However, we’d like to offer you a proper Afterparty at a replacement location. But, due to lengthy negotiations with the Botel, we’ll need a bit more time to secure the location. We will bring you more info about the Afterparty next week.

Registrations for FHP AfterParty are postponed to 24th August 2024, 20:00. They will take place on our website,, as usual. 

Will the Halloween Outing be affected? 

No! Halloween Outing will take place as promised on Saturday’s afternoon, 2nd November 2024. Its details and route are being worked on as you read this message and it will surely be something to look forward to.